Cameron Platter
╭——————╮ ┃ SALAMI ┃ ╰┳————-╯ ┃ —-╯
Salami Salami Salami Orange Termite Slushy Night Instant Shade 2-for-1 Discount Crocodiles Dead people Rainbows Dolphins Thoia Thoing Smile UR Alive Enter now Scene ends Forgiveness Hungry you You hungry Down You starving Mild euphoria • Inner numbness • Intense drowsiness • Visual hallucinations • Nausea • Constricted pupils • Vomiting • Slurred speech• Uncontrolled eye movement • Slowed heart rate • Loss of balance• Loss of coordination • Paleness • Addiction • Seizures • Withdrawal Symptoms • Death Presenting Salad cream Mayonnaise French Polony Medium fat spread TSTV GWE ZSWP PP M2M Fresh start One-minute-interlude Save money Life longer And Better Fishfingers Sleeper couch Exterior Leg Adultworld KFC Exterior Moon Palm tree Breeze Vomit Red eyes Red shoes Dancing BBBJNQNS BBBJTCWS BBBJWF Barbed wire Marinated Chickn portions Amplified Mass XXX Chainsaw Why must I chase Why must I feel Lazy dog massage Cheese curls 6 piece lounge suite Purple gulp 7-eleven Greyskull Burning fridge Leg Dance Up & down Gatsby Special Delivery Loafes & fishes Ghost pops Mobile jacuzzi Sunshine Villa Scene ends Heavens Scene ends Eat Money Upward thrust New and used slush machins Three bowl (reconditioned) Mpumalanga Polokwane Finger licking Good A Grey Black-mouthed snake and Drive-thru daquiri Ass Ice cream Lick Lolly Dripping Tongue twist Role Reversal Oreo Dirty Spa Open cage teaser $$$ Oreo Snow Ball Tramacet Aeroplane Toilet Dolphins jump Sun rises Cut to Sewer Lightning flashes Black cloud Rains Red earth Smell Orange Underpass Dusk Highway Palm tree Matchstick Traffic Jam Water Fountain Green Blur creeper Crème soda Party Hat Nighttime KFC glows church 24/7 Alibaba China outdoor Sex massage Hot Spa Hot Tub $1500 Carbonated water • sucrose • glucose • citric acid • natural flavours • taurine • sodium citrate • colour added • panax • ginseng root extract • L-carnitine • sorbic acid • benzoic acid • niacinamide • sodium chloride • glucuronolactone • inositol • guarana seed extract • pyridoxine hydrochloride • sucralose • riboflavin • maltodextrin • cyanocobalamin 10 hours Best selling Peaceful rain Nature sounds Eternal happiness To completion Salami Salami Salami

Additional Information

Cameron Platter interdisciplinary work examines consumption, excess, detritus, discord and conflict within South African fragmented identity. Working from everyday experience with subjects overlooked or considered delinquent, sordid and lowbrow, Platter investigates notions and concepts from the country’s popular culture, often using everyday objects as a starting point for his works. His body of work encompasses drawing, sculpture, painting, video, ceramics and solid waste, all creating a kind of aesthetic result that navigates close to pop, sometimes ironic, sometimes similar to a sketch.
Cameron Platter was born in 1978. He lives and works in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. His works are part of the permanent collection of institutions such as MoMA, New York, The FRAC des Pays de la Loire, France, Zietz MOCAA Collection, The Margulies Collection, and the Iziko South African National Gallery.