Pincus-Whitney intuitively interrogates and subverts history through a feminist lens, encouraging the viewer to slow down the pace, take a seat at the table, and share an intimate meal with legions of women who both inspire and disrupt.

Inspired by British artist Cecily Brown’s exploration of Frans Snyders’s hunting paintings, Pincus-Whitney turned to ancient mythology. The artist flips myths such as the Abduction of Persephone, the Rape of Europa, and Leda and the Swan on their heads, bringing power back to the vulnerable female protagonists.

Ritual Union/The Huntress pushes back against Western art history and literature’s obsession with subjugating and silencing women; instead, it sets the stage for renewal, resistance, commiseration, communion, and love.

Book covers, film characters, mythological figures, and female subjects in art history are intentionally placed within a mass of culinary objects and flora. Brightly colored Dionysian scenes serve as a trojan horse, drawing viewers into altars that slowly reveal oft-forgotten histories of huntresses – both past and present.

The paintings, originally rooted in anger, evolve into optimistic new worlds built by the artist where history is subverted to celebrate the divine feminine.