Kate Pincus-Whitney Winter Blooms (Artemis, Agnes, Woolf, and Daisy Wong) 2023
acrylic, polycolor and gouache on canvas
182.88 × 152.40 cm 72 × 60 in
Kate Pincus-Whitney Persephone’s Garden (Rites of Spring: Waters, Carrington, Angelous) 2023
Kate Pincus-Whitney House of the Spirits (As we burn the summer blue: Aphrodite, Frida, Allende, Coatlicue) 2023
Kate Pincus-Whitney Thesmophoria (Demeter’s Fall Harvest, Nochlin, Morales, and the Eleusinian Mysteries) 2023
Kate Pincus-Whitney Death in the Afternoon (Leda and the Swan) 2023
81.28 × 203.20 cm 32 × 80 in
Kate Pincus-Whitney Monuments and Maidens (Rape of Europa) 2023
Kate Pincus-Whitney Diana and The Chain Saw 2023
121.92 × 152.40 cm 48 × 60 in
Kate Pincus-Whitney Call Us What We Carry 2023
101.60 × 152.40 cm 40 × 60 in
Kate Pincus-Whitney Victory (Didion’s Room of One’s Own on the PCH) 2023
Kate Pincus-Whitney Forms of Enchantment (Toklas’s Looped Heir) 2023
76.20 × 90.96 cm 30 × 24 in
Kate Pincus-Whitney Stein On the Half Shell (For Gertrude and Alice) 2023
Kate Pincus-Whitney The Garden of Eden (for Sylvia Beach) 2023
Kate Pincus-Whitney Juliet of the Spirits and Nancy’s Cesar (Nancy Silverton) 2023
Kate Pincus-Whitney Athena’s Delirium 2023
50.80 × 40.64 cm 20 × 16 in
Kate Pincus-Whitney Artemis’ Steak Frites 2023